Friday, July 01, 2005

Is it is procrastination when you start 22 days early?

I am working on my hermeneutics paper today. It is not due for another 22 days but I know that these next few weeks are going to be killer. After this I have 6 sermons to write for Awana camp plus all the preperations for Belize.

So here I am working on my computer and I keep finding myself loathing the idea of writing another paragraph. It is July 1st and I'm inside on my computer.

So here are a few tricks I have for procrastination.

- Convert all our CD's to MP3. At least it gives me a break as I change the CD even if the rest of the process is all automatic. I'm stuck here anyway.

- Check my email

- Write a blog entry (I'm actually sending this one by email to blogger and then RSS reading it into myTWU just for kicks)

- Make sure the server is still running

- Go into the living room and wonder why I am there

- Make tea

- Call friends

What do you do?


Daquell said...

I begin to worry, and then I get convicted, so I pray. After praying, I get convicted for not doing that first. Consequently, procrastination turns into a humbling experience. Funny how God does that, huh?

Daquell said...

I forgot to mention that I'll remember you both frequently in my prayers. It's a good work you two are doing.

Chris Priebe said...

Thanks Daquell

I really appreciate your encouragement. I checked out your blog and it looks like you are onto a good idea with the daily thoughts.