Sunday, December 09, 2007

Baby Pictures are In!

We have had two ultrasounds in the last few months. As of December 5th the baby weighs about 2 pounds and 3 ounces and is 25 centimeters long. Right on target, so I hear.

The following three photos are from October. (Comments are noted just below the picture they pertain to).

This is the baby's face
Here the baby is yawning.

The baby's spine.

These next two are from December (the 5th).

Can you see the baby holding his/her arm in front of his/her face?

This is my favorite! What a sweety.

We do not know if the baby is a boy or girl and are going to wait until the birth to find out. The due date is February 23rd, but we are hoping for the 29th since it is leap year. Wouldn't that be fun!