Monday, July 18, 2005

Comissioned to Go!

Welcome to everyone on our prayer team. Here is a short update. This weekend we were being commissioned at our home church "Northview". The response was really amazing. We had so many people wanting our prayer card and wanting to learn about the adventure God is taking us on. Watch our commissioning service online.

What was really neat is we were commissioned in all three services - now that is a marathon! In each service the songs got deeper and deeper in my heart and I got a little bit more out of the sermon each time. What God said to me was that I need to love more and forgive deeper (especially myself and my little mistakes).

Here are some specific prayer requests out of this time:
  1. Pray that 2 more people will sign up to be teachers (one for grade 8 and one for high-school electives)
  2. Pray that Noelle (she is from our care group and we are going with her) and ours support will come in. Praise God the Missions Board at Northview said they would support us. We are just waiting for the Church in Belize to approve our budget so we can get a project number with the EMMC mission agency.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I heard you speaking in church this morning about you trip to Belize. First of all good luck on your trip I hope that you both will be safe and successful. This morning you mentioned you were still in need of some teachers. It just so happens that I'm at a point in my life that I can pick up and go some where for 10 months. However, I just graduated high school myself and am unsure if I would be what you are looking for. I am hoping to take advantage of the time I have before I go off to university and do some good. If I can be of some help in any way I would be more than willing to go. So please get back to me as soon as you can with any details you might have for me. Thanks and again good luck and god bless.

Chris Priebe said...

Hi Brittany

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner because we were at camp and did not have internet. Check out
and use the "Contact Me" form there to get a hold of people there.

Grade 12 and being a Christian would be the minimum requirement.