Sunday, March 11, 2007

1 Month Left

I announced a new addition to our family, Larry Darren Priebe (Stanley), and yet he didn't survive a week with us. Five days after delivery to our home, we found him dead. Possible reasons:

1) We took him swimming on Sunday (day three of life with Priebes) to Green Lake. We discovered that bunnies can swim...but they don't like it. He was so cold after getting out of the Lake (the Lake is not that cold) that he just settled into a blanket and tried to get cold that he couldn't move his cold foot from being up in the air to close to his body to savor body warmth.

We snuggled him in the towel and let him recover. He did, within a half hour. Now the question is: Was his untimely death on Tuesday a result of Sunday's adventure -- massive heart attack [hmm...he is just a baby bunny]?

2) Lily the Lamb and Stanley the Bunny shared the same bedroom (a room in one of the back buildings on our property that we rent -- remember, we live in an archaeological outpost house, with many extra buildings on the property). Well, we locked Stanley in the room because he was being potty trained and during that process I didn't want him getting out into our big yard and then not coming back. After he was potty trained, he'd return to the same spot from now on to do his business. So here he is locked in this room...the same room Lily gets lock in at night (otherwise she goes to the main house window at 4:30am and bleats for our attention)...the same room that Lily (who had no discretion where she pees or poohs) uses quite regularly for her business. I fear that bunny was so close to the ground, so close to that pooh that he suffocated to death...pooh fumes inhalation!

3) Chris figures that maybe Lily stepped on Stanley early in the morning (she would do that, oblivious to the fact that he was even down there are her feet). Then, after massive internal bleeding throughout the day, he died in the evening. Far fetched I think.

4) A snake came in the open window and killed him.

I felt really bad at first on Sunday after seeing Stanley struggling with being so cold. Who would have thought he'd not respond well to swimming? I mean we took Lily swimming when she was just a month old and she's fine. But then he recovered, or so I thought.

Now, I am beginning think it was a snake. Not far fetched for this house. People who used to live in this very house told me that their cat often caught snakes around here. Not that we've seen one in the 5 months we've lived here.

I don't think we will be getting any more animals since we only have 1 month left in Belize.

The next weeks will be very busy as we wrap up our ministries. Chris has a couple more preaching sessions in San Felipe (Spanish church) as well as one in Shipyard (Old Colony, although the church we are at on March 18th is an evangelical church plant within the old colony...reaching out to them). And I have another few weeks of volunteering at the school here and tutoring students. Pray that I would use these last few weeks to help the parents know of some ways to help their kids using some new methods. Pray as well that the materials that I am waiting for to arrive will come soon yet so I can show the parents how to use them before we leave.

Thanks for your prayers

1 comment:

KPetrie said...

RIP Stanley..:-( At least his last week on earth was adventuresome!