Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Things in Perspective

In Bible class today we were studying about the start of the American Missionary Movement with Judson's trip to Burma. Man that guy suffered a lot. He was imprisoned at one point for 3 years in terrible conditions chained with only his beaten and whipped shoulders touching the ground, no light and the stench. For 6 years he never saw one person become a Christian. Yet in the end he led a movement that God used to lead thousands to Christ.

As I read this from our textbook I could feel the cracking sensation of the sunburn on my back. Last Saturday I was out a bit too long working on the trees and burnt myself. Monday it was almost unbearable trying to get through class. My students were quite compassionate. As I read this story I thought my sufferings are small. My pain is from my own silliness and will pass in a few days (it is not that bad), his went on year after year.

Anyhow after reading this I was really impressed by how easy I got it.

PS Some time soon I need to send you pictures of our trees...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris

Love to see your pictures of your trees.
