Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Adventures of Cory and Chris

The Adventures of Cory and Chris
January is now over. We have been to 4 countries since the new year has begun...starting in Canada, traveling through the US and Mexico on our way to Belize. And then, just the other Sunday, Chris and I took a leisurely walk through La Union, Mexico. In Blue Creek, we live literally a 1 minute drive from the Mexican border. After paying a boatman $1 Bz to travel across the river, you arrive in Mexico.

With the change in schedules for us (whereas, we used to both go to school for 7:30am [or earlier] and both leave around 5:30 or 6pm) now, since, I am not teaching full time, we have different transportation needs and so we decided to get a bike. Gas in Belize is very expensive (about $5 a gallon) and the bike only costs $4 US to fill. We think we can ride it for about 5 days or so on a full tank (which is only about 1 gallon). It is perfect for our needs. And we can resell it in the end, probably for the same amount that we bought this used bike for. Although not common in Belize, we believe in wearing helmets!

I (Cory) am volunteering these days and enjoying it. I find that I do indeed fill a need in the school for someone to come along side the teachers and provide an extra set of hands, eyes, and help in the classroom. I have spoken with the teachers from grades 1 to 5, asking their needs and have arranged to come in during certain times of the days. For example, the grade 5 class needs some help from 8:30-9:15; the grade 4 class needs help from 9:15-9:45; the grade 2 class needs help from 10-11:30; the grade 3 class needs help from 12:30-1:30; and the grade 1 class needs help from 1:30-3. It is so amazing how God has designed it so that, I can help out in so many different classes throughout the day...what a difference I feel that I am making.

Some classes just need someone to come in and read with the kids in their reading circles, freeing up the teacher to help the other kids one-on-one with their seat work (or I can do the seatwork and the teacher can do the reading circle). Some classes, need someone to take a child or two aside, providing them with some extra practice reading time. Some classes need an extra person to come along and help the students with their math work.

Today's schedule was: 8:30-9:45 with grade 4's doing math; 12:30-1 with a grade 5 student working one-on-one with his math; 1-1:30 fifteen minutes each with 2 grade 3 students who needed some one-on-one extra reading time; 1:30-2 with six or seven grade 1's helping them to understand how to count money; 2:15-3 with three grade 1 students who needed some extra reading time. This last bunch I had a lot of fun with as we read a small story a few times, then we tried to see who could read it the fastest. We will keep record and give a prize at the end of the week. (And extra points were given if you followed along while the others were doing their verbal readings). I don't know if I have ever seen kids so excited about reading...and these are the kids who are struggling!

I am also providing lunch (for a small fee to help cover the cost of the food) on Tuesdays and Fridays. This is a big venture for me as I don't really cook that well...and yet it is an opportunity to learn a new skill. So far, I am doing well with the meals and breaking even on the money collected compared with the expenses incurred. I know what is was like as a teacher, trying to figure out what to eat for lunch everyday while living in a foreign country where food is not quite the same as you are used to in your country of origin. (E.g., in Canada I would have a sandwich for lunch practically everyday. Here, it is difficult to find good sandwich meat).

That's it for now.

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