Monday, November 06, 2006

Prayer for San Felipe

I was sick with a headcold (they call it snod' a'nieze here) last week so couldn't make it San Felipe. We made it last Saturday night though and it went really well. My Spanish is still really poor so I did not catch most of the service but I did recognize two songs and the elder who was preaching told me it was on 1 Kings 18 (Elijah prays for rain).

10 people were baptized last Sunday morning in that church and the pastor is very excited about the growth in it. I'm signed up for preaching next Sunday at 9am. I asked them what topic to preach on so the pastor called a little meeting of all the elders right there in the middle of the pews. It was fun to watch them talk about it and try to figure out what the greatest need was, especially since the service was about to start and this delayed them (which is fine in Spanish culture). The topic they chose was inter-church unity. Cory suggested I preach from John 17 where Jesus prays for us (that we would be united). She also suggested bringing in some stories from love Abbotsford (do any of you have any you could send me?)

Feel free to post any content you have on inter-church unity in the comments section or email me.

I also value your prayers for this little church and our ministry there.


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