Tuesday, September 05, 2006

We bought our tickets!

We found a great deal for for tickets for our trip back to Belize this year. We will be leaving October 4th. We will be spending Christmas in Belize this year (can you imagine swimming in the river on Christmas day and not even being cold, crazy hugh?). It was about the same price to come home and then go out a second time so we have booked a trip back home for Jan 26. This will give us a chance to visit our family again, I'm sure we'll be mighty homesick by then.

Of course the quesiton your probably asking is: what are you going to be doing this year?

Most of our focus will be on Cory's ministry this year. She really found an incredible niche in helping dyslexic students last year. I believe she has a gift because we saw students who were failing pass last year and actually do quite well near the end. Check some of our past entries for some great stories. So Cory will be focusing on that as her main thing.

As for me, I was told by my Seminary that I have to get finished my degree. After working on it for 6 or 7 years they are pushing me to get it done. Quite frankly, I can hardly wait to be done. So I'm going to finish my grad essay (thesis) on using the Web for local churches and doing a directed study on the history of Mennonites. With that history course I am hoping to put together a study to help those in the village and on the colony. I don't want to dream too far but I wonder if understanding their roots will really help the old colony find freedom in Christ. We'll see, keep praying. I've also been invited to preach in a church in the neighboring village and that pastor was quite eager for me to get back even before we left last spring.

So keep us in your prayers.

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