Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Speaking at Youth this Wednesday Night

Well we are over our colds now. Thanks for all your prayers.
Highlight for today was taking the high school down to the river for
PE canoeing class. Funniest part of today is I opened the windows to
cool down the house and the rain blew so hard and fast my bed sheets
got wet. Now Cory doesn't want to change them because it is my side
that is wet...

Tomorrow night (Wednesday) I am speaking to the young adults about
"Potential" It is part 3 of a 4 part series the youth leaders are
doing on "What does it mean to be a leader" in preperation for the
youth elections the first Sunday of October. I will be talking about
how God took clay which is nothing on it's own and breathed into it
just as he took David whom people thought was not much, and the
disiples whom people thought were not much, and you and me, well....
you know.... and breathed His spirit into them and they did amazing
things. Like them we need to offer ourselves as lump of clay into
God's hands and let Him form us and then breathe His power into us.

Thanks again for your prayers. Pray specifically that some of the
youth will feel called to leadership and rise to the challenge.
Blessings on you.

- Chris

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