Thursday, September 01, 2005

Leadership Training

At my seminary (ACTS seminary on Trinity Western Universities Campus) we are taught over and over again about leadership. I noticed a shift has actually happened in my life. I used to always focus my energy on teaching about holiness and leading seminars on how to live for God. Now I feel just as strong about leadership and training godly leaders (an integration of the two topics).

The youth group is having an election for 2 new youth leaders from the youth group. In preperation for this we are doing a four part study on what it means to be a leader to help the youth think through whom they want to elect and for those elected to think through what it means.

The four key topics are:

- Heart - Leader as a servant (John 13)
- Hands - Wise stewardship of the gifts we have been given (1 Cor 12; Rom 12; Eph 4)
- Life - Being a leader worth following (1 Cor 11:1, "Follow Me" statements)
- Feet - Stepping out and trying. (David, who although young and overlooked stepped out in faith, likewise we need to step past our fear with faith in God)

In addition to this I am working with the students in Bible class and teaching them how to do chapel for the younger grades. Our first chapel is next Wednesday Sept 7th.

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