Sunday, June 26, 2005

Super-packing - 10 CD's jammed into one

We figure it is going to cost about $4 a pound to take stuff to Belize with us. One thing we really want is all our favorite songs. Since Cory works at a Christian book store we have quite a bit. I decided to play around with making mp3's today. I just stuck the CD into my laptop and it compressed them all. It makes them about 1/10 the size so I can fit about 10 CD's onto one CD. I tried that and stuck it in our stereo and we had music playing all day without chaning the tape.

We bought a DVD burner last night and are trying it out. I am hoping we can fit all our CD's onto one DVD (about 100 CD's). We'll see, I have a long way to go but I am doing it while writing my paper on Exodus 18 - hey, might as well if I have to sit in front of the computer all day!

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