Sunday, July 24, 2005

Prayer needed for Awana Camp

Cory and I are at AWANA camp this week. I am doing the camp speaking every night. Imagine 7 sermons in seven days. Last night the topic was "Life is a journey". Cory and I had read Gen 12:1 yesterday morning where Abraham left his homeland and headed off in response to God's call. In many ways I feel like that. Leaving our home and family and going to a place with so many unknowns. "Life is a journey", I told the campers, "Full of bends and twists. The important part is to be heading towards God and everything else will work out."

This will be the theme for the week, "Authentic Walk". Tonight we are looking at what it means to be "Authentic" and Monday on "Which path will you walk on" Please pray that God will continue to give me words to say, and the campers hearts will be open and everyone will grow and be kept safe.


Anonymous said...

Chris had always had a portion of my heart. The way he faithfully called and encouraged my three children to attend christian functions. He is a dedicated believer. I'm confident in his and his wife Cory's pursuit and am looking forward to praying and keeping up with their ministry on-line. Lori W. Kamloops

Anonymous said...

AWANA camp went great. Chris & Cory did such an amazing job at encouraging us campers on our Authentic Walk. Thanks guys, and may God bless you as you go on your mission trip.
Curtis Allen Kamloops

Anonymous said...

AWANA camp rocked! Cory and Chris were great! so was Marty. :) have a safe trip to Belize. God Bless You~

Beni Chan

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that you guys were amazing! God's presents was really brought to camp through you! Thank you for the awesome Chapel services....they really uplifted me from the continoues fall pit that i was in and helped my find my feet again in my Spiritual Walk... i hope that God really uses you In Belize!! GOD BLESS